Ambulance Trial: 'Mount the Witness Box If You Are Not Scared' - Jakpa Dares A-G

The Ambulance case involving a former deputy Finance Minister during the Mahama administration, Ato Forson and the third Accused, Richard Jakpa is gradually taking a different turn as the third Accused, Mr. Richard Jakpa dares the Attorney-General and the Minister of Justice, Mr. Godfred Yeboah Dame, to mount the witness box as the cross examination continues.

According to Richard Jakpa, who stands accused in the ambulance case, the Attorney-General, Mr. Godfred Dame is scared and does not want to be cross-examined on the claims that he [Jakpa] made against him in court.

Richard Jakpa dared Mr. Godfred Dame to mount the witness box and be cross-examined under oath if he was not scared.

After court proceedings on Thursday, June 27, Mr. Jakpa told journalists that the Attorney-General is sorely afraid to take the witness box where he will be cross examined under oath.

He said, “He is scared to come in the dock to be cross-examined but is just sending questions to the Deputy A-G.”

The Deputy Attorney-General (A-G), Alfred Tuah-Yeboah tendered into evidence the supposed dismissal letter from GAF after arguing that the letter was important to establishing the character and the circumstances surrounding Jakpa’s involvement in the ambulance procurement process.

On the part of the court, the supposed dismissal letter was admitted into evidence during proceedings. This was done against the wish of the lawyers of the third Accused, Richard Jakpa with reasons being that, the Attorney-General, Mr. Godfred Yeboah Dame was playing mischief in court in relation to the letter.

According to Mr. Jakpa, the A-G quickly moved to a different subject matter after asking him to read the content of the letter to the hearing of all and sundry present in court, adding that if he had been asked questions about the content of the letter, he would have “exposed the mischief in the letter.”

“The A-G was being mischievous, he let me read the letter and quickly moved to a different subject without asking me questions about it,” Jakpa revealed to the media after proceedings in court on June 27, 2024.