R. Kelly Is A Man Truly Trapped Now...

R. Kelly is a man truly trapped now that coronavirus lockdowns are in full swing -- he can't get to his lawyers ... even though prison officials insist it ain't personal.

Kelly's legal team tried going to see their client last Thursday at MCC Chicago -- where he's currently behind bars -- but we're told they were blocked from entering by corrections personnel ... and officials told them it was all due to the COVID-19 outbreak, which has made its way to Chi-Town.

We're told R. Kelly's lawyers not only wanted to check on his well-being but also to talk legal strategy ... something they get together to discuss frequently, especially with the ever-mounting charges against the guy. That's all coming to a temporary halt, for now, it seems.

The last time R. Kelly had a face-to-face with his attorneys was sometime last week. It was right around then that everything started getting canceled.